It's my lucky to find this book at Pesta Buku Murah Kepanjen held in Kanjuruhan Stadium, 19 October 2013 with very friendly price, only 10,000 rupiahs. Subhanalloh, alhamdulillah.. :)
I thought it's the answer from what I saw in my friend's Linkedin profile. She works in a world class company. When I saw her skill added to her profile, I realised many things that I missed when I have been working in my company. What are balance scorecard, six sigma, lean manufacturing, loss tree analysis, DMAIC? Well, where have my managers been? Had they been trained for those skills? If, they had, where are those skills? Just tell your subordinat, have so many tools for goodness for our company. Recently, I feel like I work in a traditional company, though the products are exported to the other country.We still walk slowly while the other run fastly. It's ridiculous.
Anyway, I will not tell you what happens in my workplace, it will not make you happy, trust me ;)
I just recommend this book for you who interest in management. I don't think you will get this book at book store, coz I even found it like a sale book, with cheap price. But, this is a great book, not only theory, but it provide formulas, calculations, examples, tools, forms, so you can directly apply this book in your job. The writer is a great experienced writer, Prof. Dr. Vincent Gaspersz, CMQOE, CQE, SSMBB, CFPIM, Principal consultant and instructor international member of ASQ and APICS.
Herewith the synopsis of the book :
Judul : Continuous Cost Reduction Through Lean-Sigma Approach
Strategi Dramatik Reduksi Biaya dan Pemborosan Menggunakan Pendekatan Lean-Sigma
Penulis : Vincent Gaspersz
Tebal : 253 halaman
Tahun terbit : 2006
Penerbit : PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Lean-Sigma-sinergi antara konsep Lean yang berakar dari sistem manajemen Toyota dan Six Sigma yang berakar dari konsep sistem manajemen Motorola-merupakan suatu filosofi bisnis, pendekatan sistemik dan sistematik untuk mengidentifikasi serta menghilangkan pemborosan atau aktivitas yang tidak bernilai tambah melalui peningkatan terus menerus secara radikal untuk mencapai tingkat kinerja enam sigma. Lean-Sigma berarti mengerjakan sesuatu dengan sesederhana dan seefisien mungkin, namun tetap memberikan kualitas superior dan pelayanan yang sangat cepat. Manajemen organisasi benar-benar perlu menyerap pemikiran Lean-Sigma dengan menanamkannya dengan kultur, ukuran-ukuran, kebijakan, prosedur, dan pada akhirnya alat-alat atau teknik-teknik Lean-Sigma untuk mengejar keunggulan dan kesempurnaan produk.
Dewasa ini, konsep sistem bisnis Lean-Sigma telah sangat populer di negara-negara industri maju, terutama di Amerika dan Kanada, dan sudah saatnya bagi manajemen industri di Indonesia untuk mempelajari dan menerapkannya.
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